PKB – Powered by Pecha Kucha, Weds 29th July


Hello, Just a quick reminder that tomorrow night (Weds 29th July) we’re holding PKB – a Powered by Pecha Kucha event. There are still a few tickets available here on eventbrite. —- PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the speaker … [Read more…]

PKB – Powered By PechaKucha

Ben, Pete and I missed Pecha Kucha Birmingham. In its honour, we’ve brought back a Pecha Kucha style event, I Heart PK. PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the speaker talks along to the images.  The event will be taking place at … [Read more…]

Glug Birmingham: Midland Masters

  We’re thrilled to be joining forces with Inkygoodness & Glug to present Glug Birmingham: Midland Masters – a series of talks by local designers, illustrators and studios celebrating the creative talent of the Midlands. What is Glug? Glug is a series of events for the design and creative community. Their showcase event is held in London … [Read more…]

Service update: New writers

  In early October I put out a post saying that Created in Birmingham was looking for writers to join Kassie and I. We received 50+ applications from all kinds of people with different interests and backgrounds. Many of the applications were fantastic, and we quite obviously couldn’t say yes to them all. We said … [Read more…]

Do you want to write for Created in Birmingham?

We’re having somewhat a refresh on CiB. We’re looking for a handful of contributors. At the moment, the team comprises of myself Kerry and Kassie (more on the about us page.) Here’s a marginally tweaked repost of what Chris Unitt wrote when he was recruiting in June last year: WLTM You don’t need an exhaustive knowledge of everything … [Read more…]

Goodbye (again)

I know I’ve said this once before, but this is goodbye from me. It’s the end of my second stint on CiB. I ran it for much of 2008 and picked things up again from October 2009 until now. Over this last period there’s been a few new things – CiBmail, a Facebook Page, the … [Read more…]