Moving forwards..

So, as you may have noticed, all has been rather quiet on the CiB front.  This is partially due to me drowning in intense staff development at work (that is, my actual job) for the past couple of weeks, and also because I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the future of CiB in … [Read more…]

Hello, good evening, and welcome!

I’d hoped to slip into CiB under the radar, anonymously, like a blog-thief in the night.  But it hasn’t really happened like that, and I’m now setting sail the CiB ship under what feels like extremely weighty expectations. So, hi! I’m Adrienne.  I was born and grew up in Wolverhampton, I now work in West … [Read more…]

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Tomorrow I will be handing over the Created in Birmingham reigns to a new editor, Adrienne Frances. I have loved every minute of getting my hands on CiB and hope you have enjoyed reading my posts, and have forgiven any typos. Over the last five months I have played my small part in not only … [Read more…]

Created in Birmingham looking for contributors

Are you involved in the creative or cultural sector of Birmingham? Do you have a story to tell, advice to offer,or an issue to raise to the Created in Birmingham readers? I am looking for individuals to become regular or one-off contributors to CiB. Even if you have never written a blog post before but … [Read more…]