CiB News

I’ve tweaked how this site worked a little bit. Any small posts which would usually go in a “Roundup” will now have their own entry with a pink blob next to it on the website. Longer posts, profiles, reviews, etc will continue to have titles and look the same. This is pretty much the same … [Read more…]

Now on MySpace

I’ve been trying to avoid it like a trip to the dentist but it’s become apparent that I need to have a functioning MySpace presence rather than just dropping in there to snarf pics and music. So here it is. Birmingham-based artists, musicians, etc and the people who work with them, feel free to befriend … [Read more…]

Expect Disruptions

You might have noticed some gaps in my posting to this blog recently, so it’s only fair I give a heads up. I’m currently in the process of moving and starting a new job and while this won’t affect Created in Birmingham in the long term (I’m 100% committed to this blog) things might get … [Read more…]

Slow News Day?

Is it me or is it really quiet at the moment? Usually on Monday mornings I get a slew of news in my various news receiving portals but so far this week very little. If I’m not careful I’m going to have to actually seek some out, maybe even make my own. And we can’t … [Read more…]

Write for CiB

Created in Birmingham has been running for 6 months now and in that time it’s become apparent that the scope of this project is beyond the capacity of one man (ie me). So it’s time to expand the remit somewhat. Originally I didn’t want to run reviews here as it would give the blog the … [Read more…]


Regarding commenting on this site, it was brought to my attention that the system was requiring you to register before letting you speak. This is obviously unacceptable and I have had words with the system. You can now comment freely. My deepest apologies for this tedious infringement on your liberty. Comment away! (I suspect this … [Read more…]

Get CiB by Email

One of the aims of this blog is to encourage people to stop emailing bloody Word documents around the place and to put their information online in a structured manner (ie, a blog) so it might seem something of a retrograde step to offer Created in Birmingham as an email newsletter. But I was awoken … [Read more…]

Could you use a Jobs Blog?

I regularly get forwarded emails like this: Claire Galleries are currently looking for artists who have produced tactile work. The work will be incorporated into our ART4ALL event in Warwick. The event will coincide with Gala Day which is an event for the partially sighted. Due to this we have decided to incorporate some tactile … [Read more…]