Could you use a Jobs Blog?

I regularly get forwarded emails like this:

Claire Galleries are currently looking for artists who have produced tactile work.

The work will be incorporated into our ART4ALL event in Warwick.
The event will coincide with Gala Day which is an event for the partially sighted. Due to this we have decided to incorporate some tactile / touchy, feely work. The work must be appealing to both the partially sighted and sighted.

The event will take place on Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th of July.

This project is suitable for artists who have an interest in the partially sighted and surface materials.

If this appealing to you please send some examples of your work along with a description.

Please do this by e-mail to
or send in a disk to Claire Galleries, The Orb, Tenby Street, Jewellery Quarter. Birmingham, B1 3EL

The Deadlines for submissions is the 20th of May

I’m kinda reluctant to post them here lest the blog turn into a big job market but there doesn’t seem to be a central web-place for this stuff to get promoted. It just circulates around the usual email lists not necessarily reaching as many people as would be useful.

Is this something we should be doing at Created in Birmingham? Is there a need?


  1. A couple of thoughts: First I think the essence of CinB would be diluted if the jobs blog were to be incorporated into the mainstream of the blog. Second, jobs wanted columns inevitably (I hope) have a short life and would clutter up the archives with useless information.

    So, could there be a sub-section dedicated to jobs?

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