Summer in Southside

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With suitable weather upon us, this weekend Summer in Southside brings the seaside to the city.

Over the weekend, experience a vibrant carnival atmosphere where Hurst Street will be transformed with seaside sights, sounds and silliness. Be swept away by nautical encounters from a cod choir, deep-sea divers and even some pirates.

Play on wooden street games, dive into the mouth of an enormous whale, enjoy street acrobatics, a marching band with a difference and much, much more.

The festival takes place from 12-5pm on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 July. The programme can be found here.


  1. Karla phillips

    We had a fantastic time at summer in south side Sunday .
    My daughter and husband were interviewed by your team at the end of the day covered in blue streamers!
    Is there a site we can visit to view this?
    Many thanks
    Karla Phillips

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