Slow News Day?

Is it me or is it really quiet at the moment? Usually on Monday mornings I get a slew of news in my various news receiving portals but so far this week very little. If I’m not careful I’m going to have to actually seek some out, maybe even make my own. And we can’t have that.

So it’s probably time for a call for news. If you’re involved in any aspect of the arts and/or creative industries in Birmingham then you’re more than welcome to send me stuff about it, be it a carefully crafted press release or just a bunch of stuff about what you’re up to. I can’t guarantee I’m actually use it but don’t let that stop you.

The email address is peteashton {at} gmail {dot} com. Add it to your mailing lists. Don’t be shy now.

Similarly, if you fancy writing for this blog then the opportunity is there. Reviews and reports on things that are going on are particularly welcome, especially from the drama and non-rock/pop music fields. While a semblance of impartiality is desirable I’ll understand if you can’t help plugging stuff you’re involved with.