New Music Feature

One thing that I’ve been struggling with on this blog is how best to report on Birmingham’s music scene. Not only is there an astoundingly huge number of bands but I’m also unashamedly biased about which ones I like and I’m not about to spend half an hour researching some wannabe Libertines clone or whathaveyou … [Read more…]

Please Hold…

The problem with being a one-man blogging outfit is occasionally you’ll be unable to blog, in the current case due to a cold that is affecting my brain in a most annoying manner. Please bear with me. Backlog to be cleared soon.

The CiB Calendar

You might have noticed I added a calendar to the site recently. This holds all the events and festivals I come across as I’m blogging. It’s by no means comprehensive and I’m not including music gigs as that’s just too much work, but you might find it useful. It’s run on Google’s new calendar program … [Read more…]