I Has A Cold

Normal service has been rather disrupted by the thickness of my head these last couple of days. I’m hoping it’s just a short term thing that will be remedied by orange juice, duvets and dumb movies. Rest assured everything of interest I’ve come across is flagged ready to be turned into blog posts as soon … [Read more…]

Figuring out an advertising strategy

Created in Birmingham is currently funded in a very roundabout way by the Arts Council via Creative Republic. If I haven’t been too transparent about this it’s because to be honest I never really knew who was paying for it and I’ve always had complete editorial freedom over what goes on here. Basically I just … [Read more…]

CiB Open Mic Month

I’m going away over Xmas – spending a month with family in New Zealand – which means my bloggery will suffer but quite frankly I need a holiday. I’ll still be checking in but only once or twice a week at most. Since the arts / culture / etc world slacks off big time over … [Read more…]


[Update: We’ve moved!] We’re in the process of moving Created in Birmingham to a new server. In practice this means it might vanish for a bit. Don’t worry. On the plus side those tedious database error things should no longer appear. Which will be a good thing.

CiB on Facebook

I’m not a big fan of Facebook apps, but that’s mainly because most of them are stupid and get in the way of using Facebook properly for serious things, and also because I’m a miserable git, but here’s one I can get behind 100%. I present to you the Created in Birmingham Facebook App. How … [Read more…]

Collective Memories

One of the things I’m rather proud of on this blog is the regular Collective Memory posts, gathering together all the writing, photos and video I can find online about major events in Birmingham. So I’ve put them all in a new category – Collective Memories – should you want to view them in one … [Read more…]

What to do about gigs?

I need some advice here. I’m not sure what to do about gigs on this blog. As a rule I don’t post about individual gigs and concerts here, my main reason being it will lead into a terrible spiral of inherent systemic bias and favouritism as I can’t help but push the musicians I like … [Read more…]

Sod this, I’m off

Because you only turn 35 once in your life I’m buggering off for the day. I would, however, like to draw your attention to this recent post which has developed into an interesting discussion about events listings websites. If you have a couple of pennies on the subject feel free to throw them in. Oh, … [Read more…]