Advertising on Created In Birmingham

As from next week it’ll be possible to advertise on CiB. In order to guarantee the independence and sustainability of the site it’s necessary. Readers – rest assured that, in Pete’s words, we’re not going to NASCAR the baby. Interested in advertising? Here’s how it’ll work: A small number of adverts will run concurrently and … [Read more…]

With your host…

Yesterday, after a two-week handover period, I officially took over Created In Birmingham from Pete Ashton. I’d like to take this chance to introduce myself properly. My name’s Chris Unitt. That’s my real name, not an internet pseudonym as some have assumed. I’ve lived around Birmingham for most of my life, I’m a qualified lawyer … [Read more…]

All Change

On May 1st Pete Ashton, being myself, will stop running Created in Birmingham. It’ll be run by Chris Unitt. First the admin stuff. If you’re not already doing so, please start sending email to createdinbirmingham [at] so that they go directly to Chris. I’ll still be around as a kind of “blogger emeritus” making … [Read more…]

My feeds, let me show you them

I’ve spent today ploughing through a month of items in Google Reader from blogs and news sources in Birmingham which I’d not managed to keep on top of this last month and I must confess I gave up when I got back to March 12th with 600 still to go and marked them all as … [Read more…]


Hello, As Pete mentioned, I’m Danny and I will be your guest blogger for a while, I will be trying to give you all the Birmingham friendly creative news that I find, although my main priority will be not screwing up like deleting the internet, getting Pete sued into the ground, or accidentally starting a … [Read more…]

Any more guests and we’ll open a hotel

Thanks to Julia for covering Created in Birmingham while I was away. However, on returning I’m still kinda stupid busy so, since he’d previously expressed an interest in doing this kind of blogging, have asked Danny Smith to have a go for a few days. We were in the pub Sunday and he was telling … [Read more…]

Do you

Do you use the social bookmarking service Do you come across links that might be of interest to Created in Birmingham readers? Can you really not be faffed to email me the link? If you can answer all these questions with a Yes then read on. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about … [Read more…]