With your host…

Yesterday, after a two-week handover period, I officially took over Created In Birmingham from Pete Ashton. I’d like to take this chance to introduce myself properly.

My name’s Chris Unitt. That’s my real name, not an internet pseudonym as some have assumed. I’ve lived around Birmingham for most of my life, I’m a qualified lawyer (no longer practising, I’m pleased to say) and know a fair bit about alcohol and entertainment licensing. I’m also a director of a small record label, I DJ occasionally and play a lot of football.

In terms of blogging and suchlike I’ve been reviewing gigs in Birmingham for the past few years for Culturedeluxe and, more recently, Birmingham Live. I’ve got my own blog too.

I’ve also been involved with the online promotion/blogging for the Fierce Festival this year (line-up just announced!) and I’m covering the ‘online interactive’ aspects of the upcoming New Generation Arts Festival on their site too.

Despite that I’d say I’m pretty much an outsider to the Birmingham creative scene. I’ve been involved a little but not so much that I know many people (or anyone knows me). Pete described his experience with this blog as a journey and I’m expecting to go through a similar learning process.

So much for me, what about this site? Well, you may be pleased to know that I’m not planning many changes. I like how Pete’s run CiB and the visitor stats would suggest I’m not alone in that view. There are a few things I’d like to give more coverage to and a few features I’m keen to reinstate/continue. For now though, I just want to get comfortable with sifting the emails and RSS feeds and keeping on top of everything.

In terms of personnel, Pete will be around in the background and Danny Smith‘s still going to chip in with the bits n bobs that I miss. I am and will be grateful to them both.

That’s enough navel-gazing for now though. If you’ve got something you want mentioned here then following the advice on the ‘getting on the blog‘ page will help your chances no end. Otherwise I look forward to seeing you at an event/exhibition/show/whatever soon.



  1. Best of luck Chris!

    You may find that the CIB blog evolves as you immerse yourself in the Brum creative scene.

    I’m very much excited to see the developments and your personal stamp on things :)


  2. Congratulations on taking over CIB Chris, you’ve kept very quiet about this – I had no idea! Well as Bobbie said it will be exciting to see how you personally develop this site. I wish you all the best.

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