Digital vs Analogue

On Saturday semi-serious (i think) art group Digital Is Dangerous will be hosting a debate on digital technology’s role in the creative process. Conformed speakers include Robin Giorno, Jonathan Green, Keir Williams and artist and researcher for Wolverhampton uni Robert Grose (cant find a website sorry). Event starts at 3pm and goes on till 5pm … [Read more…]

Local Film Club Redux

Last Wednesday I went to the imaginatively titled Local shorts Film Club, which I previously talked about here. I was pleasantly surprised to find a large turnout (a quick head count of around 80) maybe its because of by passion for social media and indoctrination into the cult of blogging that made me presume that … [Read more…]

Ming Jue – Stuart Whipps

Stuart Whipps is a local independent photographer, who, amongst other things, documented the closing of the Longbridge Rover plant and its subsequent move to China. The exhibition of this work will be at The New Art Gallery Walsall and runs from April 4th to June 1st with the private view on Thursday 3rd April which … [Read more…]

Local Shorts Film Club

Local Shorts Film club is a free semi-regular showcase of locally made short films, which include a Q and A session with the film makers. The closest thing to a web-site I have found is here, but contains all the relevant information, with details how to submit a short film here. The lack of web-site, … [Read more…]

Play me I’m broken

I saw the first one of these yesterday. By the the rag markets, I’m not sure how successful this was because half the keyboard didn’t work and it was almost meloncholy to see a once intricte and loved object abandoned in the street.

Endurance at Vivid

A programme of events around the theme Endurance starts on the 24th of April and runs until the 26th at Vivid. Endurance is a three-day programme of screenings, performances and exhibition exploring the physical and mental limits of human endurance There really are a lot of events to investigate, even if you can find the … [Read more…]

This Method Acting

Enigmatically I just got sent this in the post, (click to embiggen) no explanation or anything, just the invite. But after a quick dig I came up with this, This new body of work is centered on notions of broken narratives. The work spans drawing, photography, video and sound, and is very much a departure … [Read more…]