Local Film Club Redux

Last Wednesday I went to the imaginatively titled Local shorts Film Club, which I previously talked about here. I was pleasantly surprised to find a large turnout (a quick head count of around 80) maybe its because of by passion for social media and indoctrination into the cult of blogging that made me presume that a poor web presence, and equally poor advertising automatically means low attendance.

The night is ran by Nigel and Sabine of It’s About Time Productions and chatting to them before hand I was interested to find out that updates, the forthcoming programme, submission requests and basically all the functionality of a blog is actually carried out by a mailing list, of which over three hundred people are signed up too. They explained this lo-fi attitude is partly intentional as not to appear to exclusive. Unfortunately this attitude also means that the LSFC is one of the best kept secrets of the film community in Birmingham. Speaking to a local video artist we both remarked how frustrating it was that this event was happening 200 yards away from where we were doing our degree with other student film makers, yet we never heard about it.

The event itself was very informal and friendly with the quality of the films varying widely. Standing out from the pack was the short film written and directed by Lewis Arnold called <i>Long Standing</i>. An engaging, warm, and very funny but ultimately melancholy study of old age and a mans emotional redemption through human contact. Lewis seems to be very talented capable of producing slickly finished pieces on almost no budget that are both humorous and visually interesting. I can’t help but see big things for him.

As for the night, the relaxed setting, friendly atmosphere and question and answer session after each film are much to the organisers credit, although the community itself does seem kind of small. The event has recently secured funding from Screen West Midlands so will using the money to develop a wider film making audience and the next night is scheduled for late July.

to get on the mailing list e-mail your address, theirs can be found here.


  1. Sweetheart – you have failed to mention RED HAT NO DRAWERS the stage comedy even though it was created in Birmingham, promoted by a website that was created in Birmingham, was written by a writer who was created in Birmingham, directed by a director who was created in Birmingham, acted by actors, both of whom were, created in Birmingham and produced in a theatre that was created in Birmingham. Perhaps you should rename your website – abitofwhatiscreatedinbirminghamaslongasIlikeit.com
    that would be far more apt I feel. I may be wrong – perhaps you’ll right this massive wrong before it is too late. The Comedy (for adults only and not the sensitive types) is on until Saturday 19th April at The Old Joint Stock Theatre – starts 8pm, tickets are £6.50 and available from their box office 0121 200 0946

  2. I’m tempted to just say “oh fuck off” but that probably wouldn’t be helpful, so I’ll just point out that this has never been a gig listings blog (that would be impossible and pointless), that we don’t generally cover comedy (no reason, and please don’t get into the “what is creative?” debate as everything is ultimately creative) and that you had a mention last November despite being rather irritating.

    Yes, there’s a bias here. That’s because it’s run by humans who are biased. I’ve never tried to say otherwise as to try and be completely representative and impartial is a fool’s errand. If you don’t like the blog please start your own. It’s easy and Birmingham needs more blogs.

    Etc, blah…

  3. Oh, and I’ve seen you plugging your gigs on various blogs in the comments, usually in completely inappropriate places. I believe this is commonly known as spam.

  4. Darling – lets hope the play is funnier than your oh so ironic comment, if your wondering why you have attracted so much ire than you don’t understand that your comment didn’t come off as funny, it was just condescending – like I’m being now, see?

  5. Thank you Romulus and Remus – may I address you thus? May I also apologise on behalf of Wilma Proops? You are right, comedy IS NOT an Art – it’s more (how shall we put this . . .) for people who don’t/can’t understand Art. Art has to be relevant to us not them – I feel you understand this point even if Mrs Proops (and her type) doesn’t/cannot. Fear not Romulus and Remus – it is exactly for such as Wilma that I champion Birmingham Art’s flagship campaign to Favour Arts Retarded Targets. Coupled with the Scientific Monitoring of Egalitarian Gain we will educate the likes of Mrs Proops and improve their dismal diction via the Arts but ALSO monitor Arts uptake by this lowly demographic!

    I commend the way you addressed this woman. There is nothing funny about Art. People like us should stand together – what would Art be without the likes of us? Keep up the good work! Proops et al are irritants and should be put in their place. Well done.

  6. Theodore – you had no right to apologise on my behalf. Romulus and Remus a) I would never be tempted to tell you to “fuck off” – you’re far too entertaining. I wouldn’t even politely suggest you wind your necks in. b) I thought you welcomed news about Birmingham’s creativity. I was certain that such news would not be labelled as spam c) when you say you are “Linking up Birmingham’s Artistic and Creative Communities” don’t you mean as long as you approve? d) and most importantly, did you pay royalties for the story about Theodore Parker Bowles (7th December 2007) you cut and paste from spoof.com? f) take my comedy advice – chill out and don’t take yourselves so seriously, get over yourselves g)although Terry Grimley gave the offending comedy (RED HAT NO DRAWERS) only 2 stars and Lorely Burt (Solihull’s MP) did walk out, a well known Birmingham actor said he “laughed my cock off” and much more positive feedback (aka laughter) means the writer will continue to create in Birmingham h) a few of your readers attended the last night and said some rather rude things about Romulus and Remus

  7. Belated Response to Romulus, Remus and their Minion:

    First you (Romulus and Remus) use someone’s copyrighted material without their permission, (SEE http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2007/12/17/look-at-me-i-get-funding/) then you cry spam when that person makes comments on your oh so precious blog. Then one of your minions chips in masterfully (not) to further rubbish Ms Proops while, at the same time, launching his tongue up the buttocks of the founders of Rome.

    Well done. Toss another one off boys!

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