Advertising on Created In Birmingham

As from next week it’ll be possible to advertise on CiB. In order to guarantee the independence and sustainability of the site it’s necessary. Readers – rest assured that, in Pete’s words, we’re not going to NASCAR the baby.

Interested in advertising?

Here’s how it’ll work:

  • A small number of adverts will run concurrently and appear to visitors randomly but equally
  • Ads will be text only (so no-one has to pay for a banner to be designed)
  • The adverts will appear high up ‘above the fold’
  • You’ll be able to submit and pay for your advert via the link on this site – the process is very simple indeed
  • Your advert must be manually approved before it can appear
  • Guidelines will point out what’s suitable as far as format and content are concerned but really it should be a matter of common sense
  • We will control all content on the site and this includes adverts. If we say an advert is unsuitable then it won’t run.

As an introductory offer, a two-week advert will cost £50 and a four-week advert will cost £100.

Why advertise on the site?

We try to cover as much of the interesting stuff in the Birmingham as possible but we can’t cover everything. If there’s an event, conference or festival coming up then any mention we give it will disappear down the page as soon as new posts are added. The benefit in keeping a notice of your event on the front page should be clear.

CiB is fortunate to have a strong community of readers who are actively interested in art, design, music and other matters of a ‘creative’ nature with unique visitors currently averaging around 40,000 per month. If you want to reach them then you’ll be able to do so without submitting to our editorial whims.

What will happen to the cash?

It’ll cover the site’s existing costs – my wages plus hosting/domain registration and such. Any surplus will be reinvested into what we’re loosely calling ‘interesting things’ that will fit in with CiB’s general overall purpose.

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