Hello, good evening, and welcome!

hello, my name is..

'hello, my name is..'

I’d hoped to slip into CiB under the radar, anonymously, like a blog-thief in the night.  But it hasn’t really happened like that, and I’m now setting sail the CiB ship under what feels like extremely weighty expectations.

So, hi! I’m Adrienne.  I was born and grew up in Wolverhampton, I now work in West Brom, and spend nights out in Birmingham. (that’s not a Midlands hierarchy, just a train of thought..) I’ve worked in the arts forever and have a soft spot for anything handmade.  I ask a lot of questions, and sometimes muddle my words.  I find change stressful, but love being kept on my toes.  With that in mind, if you want to see anything done differently on here, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

I love email, hate telephones, and as Kate quite rightly pointed out embrace using 140 characters or less.  I love technology, but not when it’s being mean – so I apologise for any error and/or warning messages you may have been seeing recently on the site.  I’m working on figuring it out, with the generous help of the CiB forefathers who’re infinitely more knowledgeable than me about such things.

I’m going to work on collating interesting Birmingham stuff for you to read, and in the meantime, whilst we iron out these glitches, don’t be shy.. say hello, and tell me something interesting!


  1. Lyle

    Hello! Looking forward to seeing where the good ship CiB sails to under your command cap’n

  2. Hi Adrienne

    To echo Louis and Lauren – this is an ace first post. And, just like everybody else, I’m looking forward to reading more :)

  3. Emma Blundell

    Goodness, you read your welcome note and got very excited. Looking forward to lots fo stuff on crafts, am sharpening my crochet needles with anticipation (though not in a scary slasher way).
    Born in West Brom, but please don’t judge me.

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