Created in Birmingham looking for contributors

Are you involved in the creative or cultural sector of Birmingham? Do you have a story to tell, advice to offer,or an issue to raise to the Created in Birmingham readers? I am looking for individuals to become regular or one-off contributors to CiB.


Even if you have never written a blog post before but you have something interesting to say about Birmingham’s creative sector, I would love for you to get in touch. Contributions could come in the form of a personal experience, your journey into creativity, such as making a film or setting up an exhibition etc.

It could be a review of a cultural experience, a festival, exhibition or event. It would be great if you had a special skill you could share with readers, such as tips on planning an event, finding funding or even sorting out your tax return. It could also be your chance to raise an issue facing the creative industries, giving you a place to start a debate with the thousands of Created in Birmingham readers.

Interested? Email createdinbirmingham[at], giving an overview of your contribution, links to any writing  / video examples and a short bio of yourself. Contributions shall be on a voluntary basis and their is no fee. Regular contributors will be featured on the ‘team page’.


  1. Contibute..yes I’d love to. I’ll send more details shortly but have been involved in the Creative Sector
    in Birmingham since I graduated in 1986 and have been based at The Custard Factory for literally 100’s of years.
    So long in fact I’m actually a veteran!
    I photograph and have exhibited and toured a show.

  2. Thanks Richard, I would love for you to contribute something and hear about your experiences.

    Timmy – No, no fee for contributors, just the opportunity to get involved. I will speak about this in the next few weeks, but basically, funding for CiB is coming to an end and will have to rely on a bit of advertising revenue and a whole lotta goodwill from myself and other contributors. Hope that explains all.

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