Goodbye (again)

I know I’ve said this once before, but this is goodbye from me.

It’s the end of my second stint on CiB. I ran it for much of 2008 and picked things up again from October 2009 until now. Over this last period there’s been a few new things – CiBmail, a Facebook Page, the CiB Tumblr a month of contributions from guest bloggers and the shop in the Bullring (I’ve just about recovered from that last one).

I’ve just looked up the figures and apparently I’ve published 991 posts since October 2009 (with Alex Jones and Ian Ravenscroft chipping in a few more). That seems to me to be quite enough – no wonder I thought some fresh blood was long overdue.

There’s a small group of people taking over the site shortly but it’s probably best if I let them introduce themselves (if they want to do that). I think they’ll all be excellent custodians of CiB and hope that you’ll give them a warm welcome and support them in whatever they choose to do with the site.

I’d like to give a big, hearty thank you to all those responsible for the stuff that I’ve written about, who’s emailed to say hello, shared links with friends, left a comment, said hello at events, invited me to things or simply asked to meet up for a coffee and a chat. CiB wouldn’t be any good (and certainly wouldn’t be any fun) without you.

So then, onwards…


  1. More farewell tours than the Rolling Stones!

    But seriously – thank you for all the work (and let’s not forget financial investment) you’ve done for Birmingham’s creative communities over the years.

  2. Aw, CiB readers will miss you! Thanks so much for putting so much into it (and Birmingham) over the years. And looking forward to seeing who’s lined up to fill your big shoes! :-)


  3. Aaron

    Nice one Chris! I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for CiB and all the great things that it stands for. Im just about recovered too from CiB shop and WAB. Was all worth it though! :)

  4. Thanks Chris, you have been tremendous at promoting, supporting and encouraging the creativity of this city.

    Best of luck to the new peoples and I look forward to seeing you around Chris and buying you a boozy drink :)

  5. Clayton Shaw

    Thanks Chris. You’ll be missed on here, but I wish you luck from me and all at Sampad. Good luck to the future, and looking forward to seeing stuff from the new CiBers

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