Service update: New writers



In early October I put out a post saying that Created in Birmingham was looking for writers to join Kassie and I.

We received 50+ applications from all kinds of people with different interests and backgrounds. Many of the applications were fantastic, and we quite obviously couldn’t say yes to them all.

We said yes to ten of them though, so there is now a team of CiB contributors who will submit their posts for review, to be approved and scheduled alongside other posts. This will hopefully ensure variety and it will still be ‘curated’ / quality controlled. We’re going to try this new process out and review in a few months.

I met up with the new writers the other week, and didn’t manage to put any of them off – so if you are interested – here they all are:

  • Amos Mallard has lived in Birmingham for the past 12 years, originally moving to the city to study documentary photography at the School of Art. He worked as a freelance photographer for several years before joining NHS Birmingham South Central. Amos is an aspiring writer, currently honing his craft with short stories, poems and a novel. @AmosMallard
  • Ed Bentsi-Enchill is a youth and social action worker born and bred in Birmingham, currently helping young people tackle social issues in their communities with Envision. Ed writes about music, film and theatre, and celebrates all things Brum. @EdBentsiEnchill
  • Francis Clarke is a digital communications specialist and freelance photographer who is interested in the role technology can play in supporting social change. Besides photography, Francis is into music (particularly vintage reggae), film and popular culture. Francis is also a keen cyclist and blogger. @FrancisClarke
  • Jessica Davies is a recent graduate with an interest in all kinds of art; photography, film, performance, sculpture and everything in between, she also holds an interest for creative writing. She hopes that her exploration of artwork and literature can help make both mediums more accessible to everyone. @JessMayDavies
  • Kate Wilkins is one of life’s appreciators and a magpie for the creative and quirky. She loves to see the changes around the city, and people going about their day – all interacting in the warmest and most non-judgemental way seen anywhere around the country. @radiantserenity
  • Katie Metcalfe‘s background is a combination of Commercial Interior Design and Automotive Design. She is currently working as a Colour & Materials Designer for a large British car manufacturer. For Created in Birmingham she intends to focus on Art, Design & Craft exhibiting and being made in Birmingham. @k8tiemetcalfe
  • Matt Saull is currently on an internship at Town Hall Symphony Hall. Among working on other projects around the city, he was part of the team that ran OxjamBrum in 2012. In addition to a passion for live music, he is a comic writer and performer. @MattSaull
  • R J Baddeley has worked as an artist, director, photographer and designer in Birmingham for over 10 years and has recently joined 107.5 Switch Radio with hopes of making an arts program for the Midlands. @RJBaddeley
  • Rob Green is an Art Director who has been working in the creative industry for nearly a decade. A fan of language, typography, photography and illustration, Rob has always been passionate about how every discipline can work together seamlessly, creating stunning outcomes. @go_RobGreen
  • Sophie Horace-Beck works as a visual merchandiser within fashion retail. She fell in love with Birmingham when she moved here for her fashion studies, in 2008. Sophie enjoys blogging about retail indies. @sophichka.

Expect full service to resume shortly.