Pecha Kucha Birmingham at Rethink Media BCU

2016-03-08 PKB 2016 Flyer KL

The Pecha Kucha Birmingham team have announced the next five dates. These include events in partnership with International Dance Festival Birmingham and Flatpack Film Festival. Tuesday night sees the return of Pecha Kucha Birmingham, as part of Rethink Media festival, which in turn is part of The Digital Cities Birmingham 2016 (events activities and collaborations across the city … [Read more…]

A little Small Talk

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This morning I enjoyed listening to Badego’s Small Talk podcast, with guest speaker Matthew Nation from Provide.  Badego is a bi-weekly meet-up for those in the creative industry / design industry which takes place in Birmingham. Small Talk is a sub-brand of that, with events and now, podcasts. Every week Small Talk invites a guest speaker … [Read more…]

Writing workshop with Paul Squires / Black Hole Club


THIS IS HAPPENING TONIGHT: With the proliferation of social media platforms, the ability to write effectively about one’s own work is more important than ever before. Join Paul Squires, founder of online arts, technology and media magazine, Imperica, as he leads an interactive workshop for Black Hole Club at Vivid Projects to address the following … [Read more…]

Many & Varied’s October Salon


Calling anyone who works at and across the edges of traditional disciplines; anyone who makes their own tools, because nobody else has made them already; anyone who seeks out unconventional collaborators; anyone who typically Rs & Ds atypically. Gets a bit lonely sometimes, doesn’t it? Many & Varied are running a series of 5 Salons to … [Read more…]

Workshop Birmingham


Workshop Birmingham aims to enable artists, designers, architects, makers and others to explore practical processes, develop skills, innovate and make work. Through projects, proposals and collaborations we hope to unlock some of the incredible resources and expertise which exist in the city; create substantial new facilities which position Birmingham as a national centre for the … [Read more…]

Many & Varied’s Salons

From Many & Varied: We’re running a series of 5 Salons to help make things a bit more linked-up and sociable. Taking place on the first Friday of the month, each co-curated with a local organisation, these events are specially put together for the people who don’t fit comfortably into the usual pigeon holes. We … [Read more…]

PKB – Powered By PechaKucha

Ben, Pete and I missed Pecha Kucha Birmingham. In its honour, we’ve brought back a Pecha Kucha style event, I Heart PK. PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the speaker talks along to the images.  The event will be taking place at … [Read more…]

BOM’s Spring Programme – Live: R&D

Info about BOM’s Spring Programme: “Birmingham’s newest creative collaborative workspace will be turned into a pop up laboratory this spring as BOM (Birmingham Open Media) launches its second major programme, Live: R&D. Following the success of BOM’s launch programme with the Chaos Computer Club, Europe’s largest network of hackers, the Live: R&D programme will showcase … [Read more…]