Many & Varied’s Salons


From Many & Varied:

We’re running a series of 5 Salons to help make things a bit more linked-up and sociable.

Taking place on the first Friday of the month, each co-curated with a local organisation, these events are specially put together for the people who don’t fit comfortably into the usual pigeon holes. We don’t mind if you identify as an artist, scientist, craftsperson, researcher, musician, maker, curator, academic, technologist […the list goes on…] – if you’re pushing at the edges of what that can mean then we’d like to hang out with you!

There’ll be invited speakers, a chance for practitioners to talk about / demo / play-test their work in progress to get constructive feedback, a chance to discuss opportunities for change and plenty of chances to chat to interesting people and seek out potential collaborators.

The first one is a week on Friday and I’ll be there.

Register / read more about it here: