Creative Networks May Event

The next Creative Networks event is tomorrow at the TIC in Millennium Point, Birmingham. The topic is “Making Business Personal” and it starts at 6.00pm. Prior to this, also at the TIC, is the monthly Music Network meeting at 4pm should you want to kill two birds with one bus/train/parking ticket. Both of these happen … [Read more…]

Co-working Meeting

A quick update on the Co-working Spaces idea that Antonio Gould was pondering earlier in the month. He’s set up an informal meeting at The Kitchen in the Custard Factory next Thursday 5th April at 6pm for anyone who’s interested in setting up or joining this kind of working environment in Birmingham. More details on … [Read more…]


PLOT put on a number of interesting talks and events at the the Light House in Wolverhampton related to the development of the creative industries. The problem with these, and the many other information dissemination sessions that go on in the region, is if you miss them then you miss them. The knowledge isn’t saved … [Read more…]

Co-working Spaces

Media consultant Antonio Gould is intrigued about Co-working spaces and how they might benefit Birmingham. The idea is to create a flexible working space which can be hired out whenever necessary but more importantly to create a social space and sense of community around the space. As the post put it (sort of) “Part cubicle, … [Read more…]

Project X needs support letters

As mentioned in the interview I did with Rich Batsford, the Project X Presents collective are applying for funding to put on their next big event. Part of this involves getting letters from the public in support of the application. If you enjoyed the Like Fxck event last July and think there should be more … [Read more…]