Creative Networks May Event

The next Creative Networks event is tomorrow at the TIC in Millennium Point, Birmingham. The topic is “Making Business Personal” and it starts at 6.00pm.

Prior to this, also at the TIC, is the monthly Music Network meeting at 4pm should you want to kill two birds with one bus/train/parking ticket.

Both of these happen on the last Thursday of every month.

While trying to find out what “Making Business Personal” means (no luck) I discovered the minutes of the previous 14 Creative Networks meetings are archived on the site though not very obviously, so here are the links in the hope that Google will index them as there’s a lot of useful information and contacts in there. I like the handy mugshots placed next to each speaker so you can recognise them.

April 2007 The Do’s and Don’t’s of Distribution
March 2007 Creative Industries
February 2007 Nik Powell
January 2007 Rankin Roger
December 2006 Ruth Badger
November 2006 Kieron Concannon
October 2006 Business Support Fair
September 2006 Seeking Finance
August 2006 Summer Party
July 2006 Protect Your Intellectual Property
June 2006 The Apprentice
May 2006 Experts on Export
April 2006 Serious Games
March 2006 Pat Hoskins