
PLOT put on a number of interesting talks and events at the the Light House in Wolverhampton related to the development of the creative industries. The problem with these, and the many other information dissemination sessions that go on in the region, is if you miss them then you miss them. The knowledge isn’t saved anywhere.

There are exceptions. the Lower Eastside Dialogues are filmed with DVDs are made available later and 4Talent based at Maverick are starting to act as “media partner” on a number of events, helping to bring the knowledge online. But on the whole the knowledge just goes to those who attended.

Which is why the PLOT Podcasts (or Plotcasts) are so interesting. The first one is a simple 40 minute recording of the Q&A that followed the showing of three local films with the writers and directors. Technically it’s nothing special but it’s quick and easy to produce and the talk is archived for anyone who might find it useful.

The Plotcasts don’t appear to have their own page yet but clicking here should subscribe you in iTunes. Alternatively you can simply download the mp3.