PKB – Powered by Pecha Kucha, Weds 29th July


Just a quick reminder that tomorrow night (Weds 29th July) we’re holding PKB – a Powered by Pecha Kucha event.

There are still a few tickets available here on eventbrite.


PechaKucha 20×20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the speaker talks along to the images. 

The event will be taking place at Cherry Reds John Bright Street, Weds 29th July 6-8pm (6:30pm start) and you’d be welcome to join us for drinks afterwards.

Speakers include:

  • Lee Kemp (Vermillion Films)
  • Sian Hindle (Jewellery)
  • Steve Chamberlain (Sellotape Cinema)
  • Pete Ashton (Rabbits)
  • Chris Randall (Second Home Studios)
  • Jessica Rose (Authenticity)