How to promote gigs

Dunc of Autumn Store on how to promote gigs. It turned out that bands I liked weren’t playing in Birmingham because I hadn’t booked them yet. I’m hoping to demystify the booking-and-promoting process a little bit, in the hope that more people will put bands that they like on in Birmingham too, because – as … [Read more…]

Brumcast 73

Just in time for the weekend, here’s Brumcast 73. [audio:]

Jesmond Villas

Autumnstore Dunc waxes lyrical about his recent find, acoustic singer-songwriter Jesmond Villas. It also appears that one R Howard is a nodal point of activity in this regard and should probably be paid attention to.

SWM Script Grants

The next round of script grants from Screen WM is open to submissions. The scheme offers writers based in the West Midlands region up to £5,000 to help develop ideas and treatments into original screenplays, improve existing drafts, or adapt an existing work. The deadline is Friday 5th November.

Francesca’s Key

Pogus Caesar‘s new film Francesca’s Key gets a free public showing at the Library Theatre tomorrow (Thursday). There’s a nice article about it here and you should certainly check out the rest of Caesar’s work. via BiNS

Get well soon Ross

Get well soon Ross Lydon of skapunk band 360 who’s suffered a relapse of back troubles that had him in surgery earlier in the year. They were due to play Project X Presents and have been replaced by Dexter who I saw just the other day supporting Jeff Lewis and, in my opinion, were rather … [Read more…]