Gigbeth Survey

There’s an online survey for Gigbeth which it’d be cool if you could complete if you went to anything. If you give your address you might also win an iPod Shuffle.


Charlotte Dunckley is looking to turn her zine Things We Love into a more professional magazine called Things and is seeking feedback on what people would like to see in it, not to mention contributors both online and off. Full details at the link.

Collective Memories

One of the things I’m rather proud of on this blog is the regular Collective Memory posts, gathering together all the writing, photos and video I can find online about major events in Birmingham. So I’ve put them all in a new category – Collective Memories – should you want to view them in one … [Read more…]

Supersonic sets on

This didn’t really click until Jez pointed it out but over on there are 14 complete sets from Supersonic 2007 available to stream. And the quality is really good, implying they’re taken from the sound desk. Very useful if you missed certain sets or your memory of them is rather vague (a problem I … [Read more…]

Taylor John’s House

Paperjam reports that Taylor John’s House has won the best live venue Godiva Award. Taylor John’s is in Coventry, so outside the remit of this blog, but from what I hear they’re doing good work worthy of support in difficult circumstances. So if you find yourself there do check them out.

New MAC theatre

The MAC has gotten an £800,000 grant for a new studio theatre, according to The Stirrer, which will be the new home for Sampad amongst others.