Audiences Central notes that the MOBOs have reinstated their Jazz category and Soweto Kinch is one of the nominees with Jamelia up for Best UK Female. You can vote online here. Any other Birmingham acts in those lists?

The Birmingham News is going ultra-local

I’m not sure if this is strictly relevant to the creative sector but it’s certainly interesting. Free paper The Birmingham News is going ultra-local, splitting itself into seven papers covering specific areas of the city. “To help get to the grass roots the newspaper has recruited an army of citizen correspondents.” I wonder who they’ve … [Read more…]

Linford Group to re-build Edwards No 8 nightclub

Linford Group to re-build Edwards No 8 nightclub is a rather strange headline as there’s no indication in the article that it’ll house a rock club and venue when it’s rebuilt. Still, nice to see they’ve salvaged the facade. via LJ Brum