Brendan Hawthorne

Black Country poet Brendan Hawthorne has been writing a regular poem for The Stirrer’s poetry corner since 2006. Here’s his piece reflecting on Artsfest: Fest or Famine.

Big Screen Break

BiNS reports that the BBC Big Screen is to be removed from Chamberlain Square this month before being errected in Victoria Square sometime in November. Jon also has news that they’re looking into some kind of YouTube submission system to make it easier for locals to get their own content on the screen. Which would … [Read more…]

call and return

Nikki Pugh is experimenting with call and return after seeing two YouTube videos playing next to each other and being “struck by the effect of having two narratives running side by side”.

Drop Beats Not Bombs reopen Que Club

Drop Beats Not Bombs (who have a new website) open the back from the dead Que Club tonight. DJ Marc Reck talks about his opening set which is based around Joseph Cambell’s “The Hero’s journey”. (Judging by the continued popularity of this post I’ve determined that excessive clubbing there affects your ability to type in … [Read more…]

Stef on events

Stef Lewandowski talks about building the events listings for the Arts Central and Feel the Heat websites.

Wolverhampton Camera Fair

Any camera nerds who like playing with old kit should be aware the next Wolverhampton Camera Fair is on September 30th. If you’re that way inclined it’s a small slice of heaven. If you’re not then stay far far away. Nothing for you here. There’s also a (rather inactive but that can change) Flickr group.