Capsule on SXSW

Jenny and Lisa from Capsule have written a great survival guide to the South by South West music festival in Austin, TX on the Digital Central site for UK bands wishing to try their luck there.

Multipack meeting

Very late notice but the next Multipack meeting, for the discussion of all things web, takes place tomorrow, Sep 22nd, at the The Old Joint Stock from 2-7pm

Plus spaces

There are a few display space available at the Plus International Design Expo, “currently one large space and six small spaces” open to “graphic and digital design agencies that would like to exhibit their work at the festival” which takes place from the 17th to 21st October in Digbeth.

Brumcast 68

Brumcast number 68 is up. Download, subscribe or click to listen. [audio:]

Island wants a mural

Attention artists who like to work on a big canvas. Matt Scriven of Island Bar writes: “I would like to get a mural painted on one of the walls at island bar and wondered if you knew of any talented local artists out there who might be interested? I have a design for it already.” … [Read more…]

The Moseley graffiti wars

Remember the graffiti art behind the Jug of Ale that got daubed with anti-graffiti slogans because the artists had, allegedly, been tagging in Moseley? Here’s the full story from today’s Mail with a follow up thread on The Stirrer. In short, it was the street wardens wot dun it.