Flash Mobbers Found

Aha! Thanks to BiNS I now know who’s behind those spontaneous pillow fight flash mobs in Birmingham that crop up on YouTube! It all seems to emerge from the Brummob MySpace page, although I think there’s another separate group in operation doing silent raves.

Sarah Ingram’s blog

Sarah Ingram is writing a blog “tracking the progress of my BA course in Graphic Design at Birmingham City University.”

7inch listings

I’ve been thinking of doing a quick roundup of the very many things happening this month but it’s a mammoth task and I fear it. Thankfully the 7inch Cinema listing is up covering the film stuff you’d expect and a bunch more to boot. So that’ll do for now.

Thought for the day

Thought for the day: Ikon Eastside is the only gallery I know where you can park your bike in the gallery next to the art itself. Supplementary thought: Selling the copper from Daniel Ortega’s work to a scrap metal dealer at the end of the show will probably pay for the whole summer of art … [Read more…]

No Post and Mail Sale

The sale of the Post and Mail group has been called off by current owners Trinity Mirror, apparently because a suitable bid was not received. From my perspective this is annoying as it means they won’t be dragging themselves into the 21st century any time soon. Time to go it alone, hacks. [Later: Discussion thread … [Read more…]