McComb goes pop

Apropos of nothing, a fantastically odd post from Richard McComb on pop videos. Good to see the Post are starting to understand what their blog is for!

Punish the VIPs

Mildly infuriating snippet from Paul Dale’s recent Post blog post about the Town Hall re-opening concert: The only sour note concerned the scores of vacant seats at the ticket-only do. The Lord Mayor, I hear, was none too happy about the number of so-called VIPs who simply failed to turn up on the night. I’d … [Read more…]

Brumcast 70

Brumcast 70 is up with an hour of music from Birmingham musicians, all collated and curated by Little Chris. [audio:]

GDFAF Starts

The Going Deaf For A Fortnight fortnight has started with a review by Russ L of a night at the Flapper. If you’re going to any gigs over the next 14 days, review them on your blog and leave a note on the GDFAF blog.

Blogging notes

On Friday I spent a bit of time with the Town Hall Symphony Hall people talking about how they might approach their forthcoming weblog. Since this would probably be useful for other similar organisations looking to blog I figured I might as well publish my notes on my blog. I should also add that I’m … [Read more…]

Town Hall opens

If was on the ball I’d have a long and detailed post here about the Town Hall Re-opening Festival starting tonight. But I appear to have fallen off the ball. If anyone goes and writes about it, do let me know.