Punish the VIPs

Mildly infuriating snippet from Paul Dale’s recent Post blog post about the Town Hall re-opening concert:

The only sour note concerned the scores of vacant seats at the ticket-only do. The Lord Mayor, I hear, was none too happy about the number of so-called VIPs who simply failed to turn up on the night.

I’d suggest a list is made of those “VIPs” who don’t earn their freebees and that they be struck off the freebee list. Damn disgrace.

One Comment

  1. moseleyblogger

    If I’d known there would be an empty seat I’d have gladly impersonated a VIP. I might even have been willing to hang about the door in the hopes that there’d be an offer. Maybe in The Future there will be some sort of SMS-based offer for people who subscribe to some sort of list.

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