Wolff Interview

The Birmingham Post’s interview with designer Michael Wolff (who did a very interesting Q&A at the Plus festival) appeared online on Monday. The hook is his opinions on Birmingham’s branding which he describes as “like a bus stop without the details of the bus service”. The article goes on to get responses from Debra Davis … [Read more…]

Audiences Central news

I’m liking the Audiences Central news feed as it ably covers the sort of city and funding related stuff that’s important but which I don’t want to clog this blog up with. If it’s not already on your daily reading list subscribe now.

Trav in the nationals

Four reviews (so far) of Birmingham Opera‘s La Traviata in the national press. The Guardian, The Telegraph and The Independent all pronounce it a good thing. The Times, however, not so impressed. (Who knew opera critics could be such bitches!) I also found a nice Guardian piece on the 10 teenagers who took part in … [Read more…]


Noted: Script – “the West Midlands agency for dramatic writers”. They give advice, run workshops and are based in the Custard Factory.

Improvise and Socialise

Improvise and Socialise is a “participatory Improvisation Skills workshop” being run as part of Gigbeth on Thursday, November 1st from 9:00pm at the Old Library in the Custard Factory. The only details I can find online are on Facebook (that link should work if you’re registered) but here’s the blurb and contact details. The ideal … [Read more…]

Mask Report

Marc Reck went to the International Mask Festival and tells all. His blog is turning into a pretty good place for cultural reports these days.