Birmingham Rocks

I was sure I’d blogged about this before but it seems not. So have a look at Birmingham Rocks a MySpace presence set up by photographer Steven Gerrard to “bring together bands, artists, promoters, venues, music photographers, magazines, recording studios and other people involved in the music scene in Birmingham and the surrounding areas. Use … [Read more…]

Nightingale news

Further developments in the noise battle between developers Crosby and the Nightingale nightclub (which, lest we forget, is more than a mere nightclub) are reported by The Stirrer. It seems Crosby have won their appeal and can now build 162 flats on Bromsgrove St, on condition that they install tripple glazing to keep the noise … [Read more…]

Hot Damn

Birmingham Music has a puff piece for Hot Damn, “a weekend club night for the underground hardcore and less mainstream rock fan” taking place at the Barfly. Which is nice and all but I have to wonder, what is this doing on Is it in their remit to promote all the non-live music club … [Read more…]

Roman Holiday’s Paraphernalia

Roman Holiday’s Paraphernalia. More rantings using free internet services about the state of Birmingham’s arts and music scene. This is either woefully off base or so perfectly targeted that only a few will get it. I’m not one of them but I’m reliably informed you may, possibly, find it amusing. Or not.

Photogenic Brum

Birmingham: The Photogenic City is a nice appreciation of how, um, photogenic Birmingham is. What pleased me no end was this praise for the Birmingham Flickr group. Possibly a more reliable justification than the views of random French tourist can be found within the Birmingham Flickr Group. This is an open group, with the only … [Read more…]

Curate’s Review

Angry Men in Suits. Pete Ashton, for it is he, reviews the recent Curate’s Egg gig and sings the praises of Al Hutchins. There are a number of promoters in the city who are doing interesting things but the evenings that Al curates (and it is a curatorship rather then mere promotion) always intrigue and … [Read more…]

Brumcast 75

Brumcast 75 is up. [audio:] Just in case that didn’t hit home, Little Chris has now collected seventy five hours of local music and released it to the world. For free. Off his own back. With no renumeration for his time. He’s open to offers.

Poetry Bites

Birmingham Words points us to Poetry Bites, an event hosted by Jacqui Rowe featuring Birmingham-born poet, actor and comedian Laurence Inman who, I note, writes a lot for The Stirrer. There’s also an open-mike spot and your date is Thursday 22nd of November. £5 gets you in.