Photogenic Brum

Birmingham: The Photogenic City is a nice appreciation of how, um, photogenic Birmingham is. What pleased me no end was this praise for the Birmingham Flickr group.

Possibly a more reliable justification than the views of random French tourist can be found within the Birmingham Flickr Group. This is an open group, with the only restriction being the maximum number of photographs that can be posted in a day, but it still manages to consistently have a large number of both beautiful and fascinating pictures. It’s almost as if the 700+ members are deliberately trying to make it a showcase for the city (something which is sadly lacking in other local groups which often consist of out-of-focus snapshots of a dog in the local park).


  1. Si

    I’m a fairly new member of Birmingham Flickr group but it’s nice to know that the group is having an impact.

    Birmingham has a wealth of heritage to be explored. I just wish I had more time to photograph it.

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