
Ctrl-copy is an online exhibition that features downloadable art by Juneau Projects, Caitlin Griffiths, Chris Hodson, Yoke and Zoom, Cheap Machines and Mike Cassidy via the Internet. Artists have submitted new work or adapted an existing work for the online environment that can be freely downloaded from the virtual space of the web into tangible … [Read more…]


The artist known as Carp has been leaving his paintings around the city centre for people to find. BBC Birmingham picked up on this and tracked him down for an interview (second of the RealAudio links). Here’s one of his pieces: And here’s what he’s got to say for himself: I must say I like … [Read more…]

Contemporary Art Mentoring Scheme

A course for contemporary artists is “a 12 week, 60 hours practice led mentoring programme for fine artists” run by Lara Ratnaraja and Nicola Shipley at Creative Alliance with guest mentoring from Helen Legg and Melissa Nisbett (from the Ikon gallery), Dom Murphy (from TAK!) and Matt Price (possibly from BIAD?). Previous artists have developed … [Read more…]

This Is For You and Them Lot

This Is For You is an art show currently running at the Studio 4 Gallery in the Custard Factory until August 24th. The launch is tonight and it features over 50 international artists collaborating with Paul Roberts’ Monsters Monsters. Here’s the flyer: Also tonight, and also at the Custard Factory, is the launch of a … [Read more…]

Fierce TV

Not sure when this happened, maybe it’s old news, I dunno, but I’ve just discovered there’s a whole gamut of video from the Fierce Festival on their site, combining recordings of the events as they happened with interviews with the artists. Lovely. found on…

Space and Paper

A rather cryptic event from the Festival of Xtreme Building this Saturday: Pudelskern arrive in Birmingham City Centre saturday 11th August with their Space Programme Furniture suitable for all planet. The Austrian art collective promise to “bring some flowers from the Austrian alps to the Heart of England” along with “spaceship, performers, light installations, a … [Read more…]

artlounge shows

Three shows running at the artlounge in the MailBox this autumn. Andy Reid ‘Other Worlds’ 23rd August – 2nd September Charlotte Latham 11th October – 21st October Annemarie Wright Mini Show 22 November – 30 November all art © respective artists