Twenty Pieces of Silver

Popped into IKON Eastside today at 68–70 Heath Mill Lane. It’s very dark in there. Very dark. Well worth a visit though. There’s an event tomorrow: Richard Wilson and Sean Dower Twenty Pieces of Silver Thursday 26 July 2007, 6pm – free Twenty Pieces of Silver reunites Richard Wilson and Sean Dower, former members of … [Read more…]

Ale Installation

Ale Installation is a show running at the MADE gallery on Fazeley St (map) until 2nd August. There’s a private view tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm. Pamela Ginn’s tribute to the real ale heritage of the region was developed in conjunction with the Festival of Xtreme Building. A mixed media installation, Ale recreates the sights, sounds … [Read more…]

Architects of Air for Artsfest

It could be argued that what Artsfest needs is a big feck-off thing to draw the crowds in rather than just the vibrant but low-impact spread of little things. It looks like we might have just that because Architects of Air are bringing their big colourful tent to Birmingham over that same weekend – September … [Read more…]


Private View is tonight at The Sheila Cooke Foundation in Wolverhampton, an intriguing little artists boutique shop that I’ve been meaning to check out for a while now. So I will. And then I’ll dash back for the Pub Conversations. Phew!

Pub Conversations tonight

Pub Conversations is a rather cool thing I just found out about. The next one is tonight but they crop up regularly. The deal is fairly simple. The talks are curated by Self Service, a “constantly evolving” group of 14 Birmingham-based artists, one of whom selects another artist who inspires them to talk about their … [Read more…]


Jazz Thrash Assassin are getting a lot of mentions on this blog at the moment. That’s because they’re doing interesting stuff and relentlessly telling me about it. So here’s news of their new CD, Eclecticore, featuring cover art from Matt Robinson aka Jinpow and designed by local outfit Psicon Lab. The CD will be available … [Read more…]

A graffiti niche

Okay, I think I’ve stumbled on a seam of activity in Birmingham that I wasn’t aware of. This happens to me a lot, as you’d imagine, but this time I’m going to keep a record as I travel through it. Let’s see where it goes! We start with a Flickr search for Custard Factory Birmingham … [Read more…]