Twenty Pieces of Silver

Popped into IKON Eastside today at 68–70 Heath Mill Lane. It’s very dark in there. Very dark. Well worth a visit though.

There’s an event tomorrow:

Richard Wilson and Sean Dower
Twenty Pieces of Silver
Thursday 26 July 2007, 6pm – free
Twenty Pieces of Silver reunites Richard Wilson and Sean Dower, former members of the ground breaking Bow Gamelan Ensemble. They will perform a series of short percussive sketches in which sound, light and action are absolutely integral. Developing out of a process of improvisation and rehearsal in the studio, these brief moments build up, creating a loose sense of continuity and visual narrative.

One Comment

  1. Spot

    This performance was awesome. The sounds and images were erie and hypnotic and chaotic. Where can I see them again!


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