Stephanie Mill

The above is scanned from a business card picked up off the counter in Jibbering Records. The art is by Stephanie Mill. I can’t find an online presence for her but her email is

Test Bed is on

A reminder that Test Bed, the multi-artist show at Five Ways, started yesterday and runs for the rest of this week. The artists comissioned for Test Bed are: Pauline Bailey, Nelson Douglas, Darryl Georgiou, Sandra Hall, Julie M O’Neil, Harry Palmer, George Saxon and Mark Storor. Each artist has been challenged to make a project, … [Read more…]

Fierce 10 announced

Big news of the day is that the programme for the Fierce Festival has been announced and by heck there’s a lot on. Starting right now is the previously blogged Mirage Film Festival with the rest of the events clogging up the month of May like so much artistic hair in the creative plughole. Rather … [Read more…]

Joshua Sofaer in conversation

From the Name in Lights site On Saturday 2 June at the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham there will be an informal talk between Dr. Jonathan Vickery of the Centre For Cultural Policy at Warwick University and artist Joshua Sofaer discussing the ‘Name For Lights’ installation. Looking at the changing nature of fame from the Hollywood … [Read more…]


Interesting article on KR-36, the “urban interactive game” that’s part of The Event currently taking place in Birmingham. It also gives a bit of insight into what The Event is all about. Charting the rise in artistic anthropology in Birmingham, the BCAF (Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum) have organised The Event to document what has been … [Read more…]

Kate Pemberton

I’d been meaning to post about Kate Pemberton for a while now and seeing her High Church of Gaming (above) on sale at the Birmingham Open kicked me into touch. From her site: Kate’s practice addresses the cultural effects that technology has on society, by examining the influence of the machine and of digital technologies. … [Read more…]

The Spending Review

I don’t pretend to be an expert on the whys and wherefores of arts funding but over the last few months I’ve picked up a general sense that there’s likely to be some cuts in the offing. This was all slightly crystalized in the current newsletter from the Arts Council West Midlands (emailed in Word … [Read more…]


Tom Tebby, trading as Plimsoul, is a graphic artist and photographer based in Moseley whose work you’ve probably seen on various flyers over the last few years for the likes of Factory and others. His stark and contrasty style mashes up photographs and technical drawings to great effect. Check out his gallery for the good … [Read more…]