
Interesting article on KR-36, the “urban interactive game” that’s part of The Event currently taking place in Birmingham. It also gives a bit of insight into what The Event is all about.

Charting the rise in artistic anthropology in Birmingham, the BCAF (Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum) have organised The Event to document what has been described by those in the know as the next Arts Lab, the Brummy avant-garde arts scene of the late seventies.

KR-36 is run by a.a.s. who describe themselves thusly on their site:

a.a.s. is a non-corporeal art framework; anonymous, and fluid; different artists from project to project. it is transdisciplinary; using installation, digital, video, audio, live art, whatever is appropriate at the time.

it involves others in the work wherever possible because terms like artist, audience, and performer are only ever provisional.

contact with a.a.s. is made through negotiators that speak on behalf of a.a.s.

this is not a gimmick but an attempt to make a serious point about the condition of the ego in contemporary art.

And you can make of that what you will.

Hat-tip to D’log.

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