Jivan Astfalck’s Hats

Jivan Astfalck’s installation at Moor St Station at first look like hats on stands in a box. Which is what it is. But look closer and each hat has a delicate brooch attached to it the design of which has some connection to the station itself, from the shapes of the beams and windows to … [Read more…]

Mixed Media view

With the New Generation Arts starting next week there are more launches and views happening than normal. Or maybe they’re just getting more publicity. Whatever the logic, Mixed Media is a keen looking one happening tomorrow evening that has a lot of artists in one place. These artists to be exact: Chris Clinton (Painting) Greg … [Read more…]

Stephen Farley Spurts

Now that’s a great title. Painting from the other side of an optical injury, Stephen Farley affirms his legacy of rekindling an extra-sensory relationship with the viewer inviting exploratory touch. Each intensively embellished work portrays a slice of translucent texture that hints at an altered perspective, giving us a unique insight into a remote but … [Read more…]

Stuff and Nonsense at the Museum

The Museum of Lost Heritage are the lovely people who opened up the old Science Museum on Newhall St last year prior to its demolition. As well as giving access to a lovely piece of Birmingham history they also had a couple of artists work with the detritus left after the move to ThinkTank. Here … [Read more…]


Concreation is an overdue but still timely “celebration of the unloved architecture of an unromantic city – Birmingham’s post war buildings” Concreation is a loose group of visual artists inspired by the post war architectural landscape of the city in which we live. Some people think it’s a bit grotty, some people think it should … [Read more…]

The MCD Arts Prize for Sculpture

Sculptors! Specifically sculptors under the age of 35! Do you fancy working with a redevelopment company responsible for turning our old industrial buildings into luxury flats? Well, here’s your chance! I joke. Note that the deadline for this is June 29th. As one of the UK’s leading urban regeneration specialists, MCD are committed to creating … [Read more…]


Artpeeps is a new group portfolio site for West Midlands illustrators and cartoonists who’ve come out of the Hi8us workshops. Fifteen artists are featured so far and you can track new additions to the site with this RSS feed. Here’s a piece by Amera Mussa, a Finnish illustrator based currently in Birmingham.