Mixed Media view

With the New Generation Arts starting next week there are more launches and views happening than normal. Or maybe they’re just getting more publicity. Whatever the logic, Mixed Media is a keen looking one happening tomorrow evening that has a lot of artists in one place. These artists to be exact:

Chris Clinton (Painting)
Greg Cox (Sculpture)
Mark Essen/Jo Spencer (Mixed Media)
Rita Fletcher (Photography)
Helen Grundy (Mixed Media)
Anne Guest (Installation)
Faith Pearson (Mixed Media)
Chris Poolman (Mixed Media Assemblage)
Tom Ranahan (Photography)
Matt Robinson (Sculpture)
Stephen Earl Rogers (Painting)
Liz Rowe Mixed Media (Assemblage)
David Thomas (Installation)
Lois Wallace (Painting)
Amy Woolley (Sculpture)
Yvonne Hindle (Painting)
Mitra Memarzia Video (Installation)

The launch is from 6.30-8.00pm on Friday at 42-44 Floodgate Street (near the Custard Factory). Here’s the invite (pdf). It then runs until June 29th from 10am. No idea when it shuts though.


  1. nikki: My gods, is that really an artists site with a fully functional RSS feed? Truly we are living in the future. Where’s my jet pack?

    jk: It’s on my to-do list, marked urgent. (Though it does involve me going into Selfridges – that place scares me a little).

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