Stuff and Nonsense at the Museum

The Museum of Lost Heritage are the lovely people who opened up the old Science Museum on Newhall St last year prior to its demolition. As well as giving access to a lovely piece of Birmingham history they also had a couple of artists work with the detritus left after the move to ThinkTank. Here are my photos from that weekend.

Despite the area now being mostly a building site it would appear they’re still finding stuff to work with as there’s another weekend long event coming up entitled Stuff and Nonsense:

Artists Alistair Grant and Stuart Mugridge have created a mysterious archival installation inspired by salvaged item collected from the site of the Former Science Museum and Elkington Works. Ravi Deepres’s film evokes memories of people, the place and time passing.

The event is highly recommended to anyone with a passion for Birmingham’s history and exploring stuff and nonsense. It continues on Friday 22 ­ Sunday 24th June from 11 – 5 pm and the Artists will be hosting guided tours for small groups every hour. Advance Bookings are welcome. Please tell your friends!

The opening is Thursday 21st June at 6pm. Here’s the invite. If you click on it you’ll get a readable PDF version.