Concrete 2 Canvas

Stef Grindley has designed a book: I have recently procured a preview copy of Concrete 2 Canvas, which I designed and have a section in. This is a little bit late now news-wise, but since the book is not out until October I thought I’d still post a quick shot of the cover and say … [Read more…]

Being in Eastside

The next exhibition at IKON Eastside starts today. Being by Mexican artist Damián Ortega features new work especially commissioned by IKON and runs until 21 October. This exhibition has developed out of the artist’s research into Birmingham’s local industry and manufacturing heritage. On a site visit, Ortega seized upon massive coils of thin copper sheeting … [Read more…]

Open Canvas

Open Canvas is “an exciting open exhibition of modern and contemporary fine artists from around the UK displaying an eclectic collection of artwork including fine arts, jewellrey and sculpture” which sounds perfectly fine and normal except it takes place at the Merry Hill Shopping Centre. Now this is either an inspired move to bring art … [Read more…]

Ctrl-copy launches

As previously blogged, the online exhibition Ctrl-copy goes live today. There’s also a launch tonight at 6pm in The Orange Studio on Canon Street (map). If I’m awake I intend to be there.

Mullaney on Graffiti

While there’s something wonderfully incongruous and almost comical about watching Moseley Councilor Martin Mullaney give a mini lecture on the origins and aesthetics of graffiti art he does, through his “war on tagging”, know a fair bit about the local scene. In this video, about the Selly Oak pocket park, he talks about The Gifted … [Read more…]


Peanut (aka Gaz Barnett) is a Visual Communications student at BIAD specialising in illustration and animation. He has a penchant for wresters (both Mexican and classic British) and Elvis. You can find his work on Flickr and MySpace.