Reality Estate happened

Reality Estate took place last night at Five Ways. It was, well, I found it rather indescribable. I think the highlight for me was standing in the middle of the estate while the singers moved around me. But I’m at a loss to put the experience into words. They don’t seem worthy enough. Well done … [Read more…]

Don’t take government money, says Jan

There’s an ongoing debate as to the role of public money in the creation of art. Some say it’s essential and a natural continuation of the patronage system of days gone by while others question the strings attached to taking money from vested interests, especially when the government is involved. Artist Jan Bowman is in … [Read more…]

James Nash

He’s from Wolverhampton but I won’t hold that against him. There’s a small portfolio on Dazed Digital and here’s his MySpace I also understand he’s involved with the Colour night at the Quadrant Lounge in Wolverhampton, which has me somewhat intrigued. “The primary space for music and thought in Wolves” they call it. Really must … [Read more…]

Promoting Thyself

The Fine Art of Saying “Hello” was a presentation given by TAK! to young illustrators on how they might promote themselves. In a smart piece of meta-promotion Dom’s put the PDF of the talk online so everyone else can benefit from it. This act is an example of something I’m very much in favour of … [Read more…]

Jan Bowman

Jan Bowman writes: I’m writing a children’s picture book about Birmingham and the Enlightenment, which will be ready to send to publishers by December. Inspired by the work of Czech illustrator Sasek it will also show undiscovered treasures lurking in the city, such as the attached. I’m looking for other good visual suggestions and suspect … [Read more…]

Ikon Eastside closing party

Ooh, this looks rather smart. The closing party for the Ikon Gallery‘s Eastside residency sees, amongst much else, Broadcast playing. Broadcast in a warehouse! That pleases me for some reason. Facebook event page. via Prime Objective who I’d link to all the time if he had permalinks.

Holding the Edge

Holding the Edge is an Artists Placement scheme run by MADE in association with the council. Four emerging Birmingham based artists have been working with MADE in Eastside during 2007 as part of an Artists Placement funded by Birmingham City Council’s Equal II: The Last Mile programme and Arts & Business. The outcomes of their … [Read more…]

Claire View

Claire Galleries are having a “suburban contemporary exhibition” featuring four of their most successful artists, Tom Lewis, Teoman Irmak, Jenny Frestone and Stuart Ellis, at the City Inn at 1 Brunswick Square, Brindley Place. The private view is on Wednesday 17th at 6pm. RSVP to info [at]