Reality Estate happened

Reality Estate took place last night at Five Ways. It was, well, I found it rather indescribable. I think the highlight for me was standing in the middle of the estate while the singers moved around me. But I’m at a loss to put the experience into words. They don’t seem worthy enough.

Well done to Lee and Sandra and the huge team involved. A magnificent achievement on so many levels. Birmingham should be proud.

Reality Estate 02

Reality Estate 06

Reality Estate 08

Those three photos are by myself. More are trickling onto Flickr and given the number of cameras around I’m sure videos will be appearing on the Reality Estate site once everyone’s recovered.

Most importantly I understand this is just the start of a whole year of work with the Five Ways estate. The organizers are keen that this isn’t just a blink and you miss it community arts project. They’re in the for the long haul.


  1. Zoe Charaktinou

    I saw Reality Estate as well and yes it was brilliant, fantastic,amazing and yes these words are not enough. I enjoyed it despite some technical hitches but it didn’t matter. And just to say that this is not just the beginning of a year of work,they have been working there for the past two years already and they will still be there and that is what matters. Good one, Friction ;-)

  2. Boy Wonder

    Like everyone else who has posted here or I have spoken to, I thought this was a brilliant achievement and really enjoyable. I thought it was quite poignant in that we were led around the estate and places that frankly I would not visit out of choice and stories unfolded and in some cases just general magical weirdness. I talked to some of the local participants who could not speak highly enough of how much they had got from the project. fantastic indeed.

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