The Outcrowd Collective’s Intervalometer

The Outcrowd Collective’s Intervalometer: “This is a freestyle animation we made for fun, using a digital camera, some time lapse animation software, paint, pens, paper cut outs and our imagination” They’ve been posting a lot of stuff from their archives on the Outcrowd blog these last few days. Go check it out.

Birmingham studios face uncertain future

Birmingham studios face uncertain future. Grimley of The Post gives a great overview of the Artists Studios issue spotlighting some success stories and comparing the Birmingham situation with other cities. Well worth a read and if I wasn’t on holiday (did I mention that?) I’d go through and find links for all the people. If … [Read more…]

From the Woom

Let’s follow some links from the Woom website as part of their “Booby Hatch- Sexual and Disturbed” show and see what we find, shall we? Well, there’s Sarah Bereza from Michigan, USA… local boy Matt Burden… and New Yorker Alison Brady… Lovely! More on Woom in the new year. They’re quite an intriguing establishment…

Art at 0%

Audiences Central points us to Own Art, an intriguing Arts Council scheme where you can borrow up to £2000 interest free to buy some art.

Lucy McLauchlan’s new site and London show

In a somewhat natural development the Beat 13 website has been completely taken over by Lucy McLauchlan showcasing her paintings and selling her prints. I particularly like the scrapbook page showing the wide variety of mediums and situations her work has appeared in. She also has her first solo London show, Expressive Deviant Phonology, starting … [Read more…]

Pugh’s Invisible Hand

Nikki Pugh has a shop, “the invisible hand”, but because it’s her there’s more to it that simply selling stuff. The incentive for the invisible hand came about after increasing frustration that I’d already put all my own spare money into a few major projects – thus leaving me reliant on external funding for upcoming … [Read more…]

Stuff at Vivid

Ooh, I wish Vivid had some way to link to specific things on their site. Something like, I dunno, a blog. Hint hint. Here’s a couple of interesting things currently on their front page. The first is a European Media Artists in Residence Exchange. The newly established European Media Art Network will give 16 production … [Read more…]