Hole in the Wall

Click on the above to get a massive high resolution copy of Chu’s Hole in the Wall mural on Goodall St in Walsall, a record breaking attempt made last September. Here’s photos of its creation and there’s a Flickr group for you to add your own. via D’log who informs it works with 3D glasses!

Mohammed Ali’s Spiritual Graffiti US Tour

In April 2007 Aerosolarabic, aka Mohammed Ali, travelled from Birmingham to Chicago, New York and Boston to paint murals with the aim of breaking down prejudices against British Muslims (amongst other things). The Chicago piece wasn’t completed but the New York one, a tribute to 9 children who’d recently died in a house fire, was. … [Read more…]

Subway Art Show

Harry Palmer‘s Subway Art Show took place last night. He’s doing it again tonight and, if you’re awake at 1.30am, I’d highly recommend you go along. To draw it down to the basics Harry found some artwork done by schoolchildren in the 90s framed on the walls of a subway which fascinated him. He uses … [Read more…]

Harry Subway update

I’ve been in touch with Harry Palmer and it seems his Subway art show launch is taking place here: based on Harry’s directions: “Bristol Street (next to the St Lukes Church that is now abandoned). Bottom of Lee Bank (very near to the old Matthew Bolton College)”. Kicks off at 1.30am tonight. And also tomorrow … [Read more…]

Pub Conversation audio

The podcast from last week’s Pub Conversation with Douglas White and Justin Coombes has popped onto the grid. Subscribe using this link or listen with this widget: [audio:http://pubconversations.jellycast.com/audio/play/18]

Harry in the Subway

I have to confess to not covering the world of Harry Palmer as much as I should and I have no excuse other that it’s often hard to get my head around exactly what he’s up to. Which is a terrible excuse as that’s a sign of someone doing good shit. Here’s a good example. … [Read more…]

Hiroshige ends

Phil Wilkinson gives notice on his Artfall blog that the Utagawa Hiroshige exhibition, curated by Julian Opie, finishes its run at the Ikon this Sunday.

Richard Coldicott at Jibbering

The next exhibition at Jibbering Records in Moseley is the work of Richard Coldicott starting with a launch on Thursday 7th Feb at 8pm. From tight brush strokes to large aerosol paintings to photosgraph, Richard’s work bridges the gap between street and studio, observing the “throw away” element of painting public walls.