Ming Jue – Stuart Whipps

Stuart Whipps is a local independent photographer, who, amongst other things, documented the closing of the Longbridge Rover plant and its subsequent move to China. The exhibition of this work will be at The New Art Gallery Walsall and runs from April 4th to June 1st with the private view on Thursday 3rd April which … [Read more…]

Toilet Survey

Harry Palmer’s Victorian Gentleman’s Toilet field trip looks to have been well attended judging by photos on Nikki Pugh’s blog. As well as Harry’s initial report more pictures are promised in the next issue of the Eccentric City but if you come across any evidence online do leave a comment and I’ll post it here. … [Read more…]

Endurance at Vivid

A programme of events around the theme Endurance starts on the 24th of April and runs until the 26th at Vivid. Endurance is a three-day programme of screenings, performances and exhibition exploring the physical and mental limits of human endurance There really are a lot of events to investigate, even if you can find the … [Read more…]

This Method Acting

Enigmatically I just got sent this in the post, (click to embiggen) no explanation or anything, just the invite. But after a quick dig I came up with this, This new body of work is centered on notions of broken narratives. The work spans drawing, photography, video and sound, and is very much a departure … [Read more…]

Birmingham Frequencies

October 4th 1997 saw a performance by Higher Intelligence Agency and Biosphere, aka Bobby Bird and Geir Jenssen, on the 12th floor of the Rotunda entitled Birmingham Frequencies. on this night, two hundred & fifty people went up into the rotunda for the first time, to hear a soundtrack by geir jenssen & bobby bird, … [Read more…]

My Fierce Festival – vote now!

This year, we get to vote on what we want to see as part of the Fierce Festival! After a decade of stop-you-in-your-tracks live art events and performances FIERCE is trailblazing once more giving you, the audience, the power to program your own festival! We’ve reserved a range of spaces from theatres to pavements, broom … [Read more…]

Toilet Art

From Lord Harry of Palmer: Invitation to: SSSI – Sites of Social Special Interest No.3 Harbourne Victorian gents toilet. Join Harry Palmer on a pictorial survey of one of Birmingham’s last remaining Victorian still-in-use toilets Sat 22nd March 12-1pm. Meet outside Harbourne Library (top of the high street). Please bring a sketch pad and pens. … [Read more…]