Lucy McLauchlan’s new site and London show


In a somewhat natural development the Beat 13 website has been completely taken over by Lucy McLauchlan showcasing her paintings and selling her prints. I particularly like the scrapbook page showing the wide variety of mediums and situations her work has appeared in.


She also has her first solo London show, Expressive Deviant Phonology, starting on Friday and running until January 19th at, 8 Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4DG which, I have to say, is a rather impressive location. From the press release:

ittakestwo.jpgExpressive Deviant Phonology will present a series of new, unseen canvas work alongside a site-specific installation. The collaborative work will involve the participation of musicians whose music will affect the artist’s drawings while her visuals will influence their playing.

Lucy McLauchlan has always had a fascination with the driving forces that generate social networks, our attempts to fit in with one another and the hidden agendas we carry around with us. The artist creates distinctive characters and freeform organic motifs. Her confident brush strokes become entangled with intense monochrome imagery, rich in graphic elements. She often paints with little or no preparation and engages her instinctive approach to smother spaces with paint, creating chaotic and seductive environments. Lucy utilises different surfaces to work upon, including canvas, walls, metal, wood, cars and breasts. For this exhibition, she will be working in black and white with Indian ink. The use of this medium provides the desired dense line with one fluid stroke, creating a fast and continuous method. Lucy’s drawings create a black and white world ruled by instinct. Its characters interact with each other and the viewer to reveal the more intricate inner workings of the individual subconscious.

Hat tip to Surely