Promoting Thyself

The Fine Art of Saying “Hello” was a presentation given by TAK! to young illustrators on how they might promote themselves. In a smart piece of meta-promotion Dom’s put the PDF of the talk online so everyone else can benefit from it.


This act is an example of something I’m very much in favour of – that by sharing your skills and knowledge you not only benefit the community of which you’re a part but you show yourself to be an important player in that community. Added to this, the sharing forces everyone to up their game as common sense becomes common knowledge, pushing that community above other more closed off ones. Small companies and individuals get this. If only it would peculate to the bigger orgs then maybe Birmingham could become the powerhouse it deserves to be.

Anyway, the talk was part of a Creative Alliance program of sessions and produced 7×7, a series of seven inch circular flyers where artists illustrated song lyrics. A bunch of these were on the flyer table at Plus and I picked up three by Joe Rogers, Karoline Rerrie and Ruth Radcliffe.


Considering the quality of work on display at Plus the fact that these just jumped out and said “take me now” is credit indeed.